World Class Service

OSHES delivers industry-relevant training solutions and world-class compliance support services to clients across the Caricom and across the globe. Whether it’s for British Petroleum, Shell, a Government body or a small family business, OSHES is there to support excellence.

Thunder Horse

Thunder Horse is currently one of the largest deepwater producing fields in the Gulf of Mexico. It consists of two adjacent fields (‘north’ and ‘south’) being developed together, with reservoirs in the Upper Miocene turbidite sandstones. The wells required to access the reservoir are some of the most challenging and deepest in the Gulf.

PDO/Shell Harweel

Located in the Harweel Cluster of fields, deep in the desert in the south of the Sultanate of Oman, the RHIP facility  includes sour gas processing facilities and associated gathering and injection systems and export pipelines. The OSHES team provided advanced risk assessment services to the project team.

Saudi Aramco

Saudi Aramco operates the world’s largest single hydrocarbon network, the Master Gas System. They manage over one hundred oil and gas fields in Saudi Arabia. The OSHES team developed and delivered specialised Risk Assessment training for large teams of immigrant workers with delivery to many trainees for whom english was a second language.


To be the leading HSEQ, Marine Training, Consultancy, ConstructionServices and Provider of Competent Field-Support Personnel to all Missionctors in the region by sustaining a competitive advantage throughindustry knowledge and awareness, professionalism, price, quality andpeople-focused committed customer care.


To be recognized globally as a leader in the provision of Occupational, Health, Safety, Environmental and Marine Training, Consultancy andConstruction Services. Delivering professionalism, expertise andexceptional customer service.

Global Perspective, Caricom Focus


OSHES is a trusted name in the international energy fraternity. With substantial experience in managing safety for major petrochemical projects, we are the company you want on your team.

The OSHES journey has carried us to The Gulf of Mexico, The United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Oman, India, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Guyana. We have the balance, technical skills, accreditation and  team to enable world class compliance.  We have participated in or led in well over 100 management system implementation projects.

We have provided HITRA coaching services to live deep water platforms, Electronic Permit to Work coaching for major petrochemical projects and provided specialised risk assessment support for all manner of Petrochemical concerns. OSHES provides consultants, supervisors, officers, technologists and support staff for all of your onshore and offshore needs.  OSHES delivers!

Training & competency is at the heart of our business. We are a recognised  learning center providing certification for industry standard safety skills.  Our training facilities located in San Fernando, Trinidad and Georgetown Guyana have hosted thousands of trainees.

What we offer

Our Services

Project Risk Specialists

Sherman and his roster of specialists are standing by to help make your next project a resounding success. Some of the top companies in the world have chosen Sherman and OSHES to prevent accidents and add value. You deserve the best, and it costs less than you think.

Meet the team

Our Team

Sherman Ragbir Bsc. Principal Consultant and Managing Director.

Sherman has travelled the world representing Caricom and Trinidad and Tobago on the Industrial landscape. He is passionate about his family and service to the poor.

Juliet Ali Bsc. Msc. Junior Consultant.

Juliet is blazing the trail as a young woman in the industry. She provides in depth analysis and world class implementation of management systems on both land and sea.

Kenneth Bsc. Msc. Senior Consultant & Trainer

A veteran in industrial safety, Ken literally wrote the book when it comes to safety practice in our region. Ken has over 50 years experience and has worked with the who who of Caribbean industry.

Latisha Mohammed Ragbir Bsc. Consultant and Co-Director

Latisha is the engine room behind OSHES world class management system tools and knowledge management systems. She is especially strong in ISO and STOW TT documentation.

Roberto Shane Samai Bsc. Msc. Senior QSHE & Service Coordinator

OSHES make it happen man, chain coordinates our field activities. Wether local, international on land or on sea. Our team of consultants, coordinators, safety officers and service.